The next 12th WIMC Keynote Speaker will be Professor Sarah Tabrizi from University College of London

Sarah Tabrizi graduated in biochemistry and medicine in Edinburgh, and was awarded the University Prize for Biological Sciences for BSc for highest First class degree, and 9 other prizes at the University of Edinburgh Medical School including the Gold Medal for most distinguished MBChB graduate and the Hewlett-Packard Prize for top Scottish Graduate. Sarah has worked on research into neurodegenerative diseases since her PhD as an MRC clinical training fellow at UCL (1996 – 1999). After near-completion of her clinical training in neurology and neurogenetics (1999-2003), she was successful in obtaining a Department of Health National Clinician Scientist Fellowship in the Dept of Neurodegenerative Disease, UCL Institute of Neurology in 2002. Sarah was made a UCL Clinical Senior Lecturer and Hon. Consultant Neurologist in 2003, and promoted to Reader in 2007 and Professor in 2009.  In the last 5 years, she has generated over £10 million grant funding for her research from MRC, EU FP7, Wellcome Trust, CHDI Foundation, and other charities. Since establishing her own independent research group in 2003, she has published over 200 peer-reviewed publications including senior-author papers in high impact journals such as Journal of Clinical Investigation, Molecular Cell, Lancet Neurology (2009, 2011, 2012, 2013), Nature Communications, Journal of Experimental MedicineEMBO Journal, and PNAS.  Sarah was elected a Fellow of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences in 2014. Her research has been the subject of a review article in New England Journal of Medicine, scientific articles in The EconomistLancet NeurologyNature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology and Scientific American, and a personal profile in The Lancet (June 2012) and has had widespread lay media coverageSarah serves on executive advisory and review panels including the UK HD association, the European HD Network and to NINDS/NIH, and the Wellcome Trust Expert Review Group for Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience.

Read more about our Keynote Speaker here.